Winnebago Ekko Adventure Packages

FreedomVanGo Ekko

Adventure Package

The Ekko is an amazing vehicle! But it doesn’t come “adventure ready” from the factory…

Lucky for you, you’re at FreedomVanGo!

Introducing the ultimate build out, meant to take your Ekko to the next level. Curated with a focus on upgrading the ability, durability, and functionality of your rig, we have pieced together the Adventure Package with gear that will give you the ability to tackle the most epic adventures with comfort and ease.

Check It Out!

Package available for both Transit and Sprinter Ekkos

Transit Ekko Adventure Package
Sprinter Ekko Adventure Package

Why These Parts & Pieces?

Taking what we have learned from customer journeys and our own travels, we cultivated a build package filled with what we believe to be the ESSENTIALS for any and every Ekko. If adventure is your goal, list contains everything you need to achieve that. Ranging from suspension upgrades to interior necessities, the FVG Adventure Package focuses on functionality. We didn’t include all the glitz and glam like big bumpers and underglow, instead we opted for the products that will upgrade the ability of your rig, not just the look! 

And, Best of All...

Package Pricing!

Our goal is to make it easy for you to get everything you need, at a great price! We believe that your dream should be easy to achieve, and we want to be the ones to make it so. Not only do you have a curated parts list you can trust at your finger tips, but you also have it at a fantastic deal! By opting for the Adventure Package, you will be receiving a package price, amounting to around $3000 in savings!

Why is this the best option for YOU?

1) Odds are, you’ll be getting most if not all of these options anyway. These are some of our most frequently installed products for Ekkos!

2) Considering you would opt for most of these parts, why not just get it all done at once? This way you’ll be able to get goin’ on your adventures quicker AND take advantage of package pricing!

3) Get all the necessities taken care of first and fast to leave time for the FUN upgrades. After testing your adventure package, feel free to come back and add personal touches such as underglow, perimeter lighting, interior tools & tech, and more!

4) FVG takes pride in the fact the we field test everything before we present it to our customers. This way, you can feel confident in the gear we are offering. This package is based on what we have learned on the road and the gear that has benefitted our travels. We use our rigs the same as (if not more intensely than) our customers so we can help provide beneficial knowledge and gear that will fit everyone’s needs!


There are a handful of items that are not required in order to receive “package pricing” but please note that removing the products below will impact the overall discount. Optional gear includes:

1) Inhabit Floor Mats

2) Ekko Entry Door Window Upgrade

3) Vanmade Gear Window Covers

4) 2nd Battery Upgrade Kit